Once you have created or edited your marketing communications template to your liking, you can then send or schedule it using the following steps. 

  1. Go to the Marketing tab in MessageBee by selecting the Marketing Tab from the top menu.

  2. Find the Campaign your marketing communication belongs to, and then click the orange arrow to expand and display the campaigns contents.

  3. Find the desired communication you wish to send and select send.  

  4. You will now be taken to the schedule communication page which will allow you to the date and time you wish to send the marketing campaign.
    Note: By default the time and date will match when you selected the send button.

  5. You will then be able to select any dynamic lists you wish to include in the communications. When you are ready to continue, select "Next".
    Please Note: You do not have to select any option from this list as long as you select and audience list from the next step.

  6. Next, you will be asked to select audience lists you wish to include in the communications. When you are ready to continue, select "Next".
    Please Note: You do not have to select any option from this list as long as you select and dynamic list from the previous step.

  7. You will then be presented with an option to review and confirm the date, time and selected lists. Once you are ready to send or schedule the message, select the "schedule" button.