After You Search for Specific Message or Set of Messages on the Reports page, you will see a table will all relevant results. Let’s take a look at the specific details of an entry.




  1. Date 
    This will show the date and time of the message was sent.

  2. Email/Phone
    This will show the phone number or email related to the message.

  3. Channel
    Reveals what kind of communication medium (SMS, Voice, Email) was used for the message.

  4. Communication
    This column shows the exact communication (template and sub template) that was submitted.

  5. Final Status
    Shows the final status of the message and if it was delivered or an error occurred.

  6. Preview
    Clicking on the icon in the preview column will allow you to preview the exact communication sent.

  7. Log Details
    Clicking this icon will show the exact timeline of the communication including when the message was sent and delivered (and for email communications: opened).