You can schedule promotional images in MessageBee with the Image selection button. 

Generally, we've created at least one image template to go at the bottom of all your email notices. You may have image templates for each specific email notice (if you don't and you'd like to, let us know and we'd be happy to set that up for you!). Select the template you'd like to schedule an image for.

You'll see the fallback image (the image that displays whenever nothing is scheduled), as well any any current or future images scheduled. To schedule a new image, click the orange button in the lower right.

Next, select the desired time you wish the image/banner to display and enter the URL for the image to link to. 

A new tile will then appear next to the Fallback image.

Note: you can schedule out multiple images and banners for the future. If you have previously scheduled another image, it will appear next to the last scheduled tile.

You can now click “Add an image” and upload your desired image

NOTE: If your scheduled image expires and there are no other scheduled images or banners in its place, the banner will automatically default to the fallback image.