Once you have Generated a Report in MessageBee, if your report results were filtered enough to generate a graph, you are able to gather information from the results.
NOTE: If your file was too large and generated a CSV file, you can find more information about CSV files here.
The Graph
The Graph MessageBees visual resource for reviewing report data. You can modify the contents of the graph by using the Series Filters (see below).
Series Filters
If you wish to change which line data appears on the graph, you can click and unclick the Series filters on the right hand side of the screen and the lines will display or disappear in real time.
Overview Tab
When a Report loads for the first time it will automatically default to the “Overview Tab”. This will load a table that will contain the daily results for the following information:
This is the total number of communications sent by MessageBee that day.
This is the total amount of emails that were opened and viewed by patrons. Note - If a patron has a work email that blocks email content from automatically loading, this number could be affected.
This reflects how many times patrons have clicked the link included in your MessageBee communication.
This is the number of patrons who selected to opt out of MessageBee email communications.
This is the number of successfully delivered MessageBee communications.
This is the number of unsuccessfully delivered MessageBee communications. More details about these communications can be found underneath the “Failures” Data Tab.