1. Upon logging in, select the "Reports" Option from the left hand menu 

  2. Once loaded, on the right hand side of the screen you will be presented the following options that will allow you to custom filter your report results.

    • Communication Channel
      Allows you to filter by "All", "Email", "SMS", or "Voice Messages"

    • Default Filter
      Select from "Last 7 days", "Last 14 days", "Usage Notification Types", "Error Notification Types", or you can leave blank to customize results to your preference.

    • Notification Types
      This allows you to filter which specific notification template you would like and its sub-type. For example: You can filter to see all overdue notices, or you can filter further by selecting the 7 day or 14 day overdue template.

    • Dates
      Allows you to narrow your results by a customizable date timeframe.

  3. Once you have selected your filters, select the "Retrieve Report Data" Button 

    If there is not a large number of results, you will see the following load prompt display on the screen.

    After a few moments, the page will refresh with a graph that reflects your filters by default.

  4. NOTE: If the results of your query has a large number of results, MessageBee may present the following message before generating a downloadable CSV version of the report.

    Once you select "Save Report" you will be provided with the following message.

    Once the report is available for download, you will see a prompt in the top right hand corner of the screen and you will be able to access the report by clicking on the reports name.

    Clicking on this will take you to the Reports Downloads page where you can download the appropriate download file.

    These can also be accessed in the future on the left hand side of the screen by selecting the "Report Downloads" icon at any time.